Rooted in the Existential Self: Case Report about Potential of Religious Faith for Geriatric Psychological Counselling

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Joana Butėnaitė- Switkiewicz


For older people, religious faith is a significant part of their identity. There is a lack of research that reveals the faith of practicing Roman Catholics as a multi-component phenomenon that can develop, through an internal perspective in personal and social context.

Aim: to explore how religious faith is experienced in the life of an older practicing Roman Catholic.

Methods: A qualitative approach was selected for this case study. Data was gathered through faith development interviews, and it was analysed using these methods: thematic narrative analysis, structural and content analysis. The faith of an older practicing Roman Catholic (woman, 84 years old) is analysed. 

Results: The case study revealed that religious faith is meaningful to the practicing older Roman Catholic woman as a multi-component faith construct, consisting of internal and external aspects, the essential of which is the internal relationship with God, which forms an integral spiritual, moral and social identity of a person; through the course of life it becomes a continuously nurtured value at each stage of life; through faith development as a conscious, social and integrated faith in her life; through an internal psychosocial perspective providing internal psychological resources that help her overcome difficulties, maintain well-being in her life and give the meaning to her life.

Conclusion: The potential of religious faith in counselling the older practicing Roman Catholic lies in the awareness of personal feelings, beliefs, behaviours, the image of God, self-worth, early experiences, and the relationships related to religious faith in the context of a person’s life.

Keywords: religiosity, spirituality, therapy, elderly, resilience

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How to Cite
SWITKIEWICZ, Joana Butėnaitė-. Rooted in the Existential Self: Case Report about Potential of Religious Faith for Geriatric Psychological Counselling. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 11, nov. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi:
Case Reports


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