Effect of Exercise Training on Physical Fitness among Gymnastic Athletes: Systematic Review and Metanalysis

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Kanika Taneja Deepika Singla, PhD Ruchi Basista Sangeeta Choudhury, PhD


Objective: To determine the effects of exercise training on physical fitness parameters among gymnasts. 

Methods: From 20 Dec 2022 to finish on 31 July 2023, an elaborate search was performed with these electronic databases (SCOPUS, PubMed, Science direct, ERIC) as well as on other sources of grey literature. The included studies were assessed using PEDRO Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale. Studies that are based on experimental design were only included to assess the physical fitness components in gymnastic players.

Results: Eight articles on exercise training in gymnast met all the inclusion criteria. Fair standard of quality of studies were noted. The findings of the research were quite credible. It indicated that jumps (n=6) of various types like vertical jump, countermovement jumps and drop jumps which were the most investigated performance parameter in gymnasts, followed by trunk muscle endurance (n=2), agility (n=1) and apparatus specific performances (n=1). Most of the physical training improved the lower limb power and trunk endurance in the gymnast. While there is a lack of evidence about strength, flexibility and balance parameters, which are of utmost importance for a gymnast hence the need to be studied.

Conclusion:  With this systematic review we are trying to know what form of training is most beneficial for the gymnasts and it also established a strong case for the additional advantageous effects of physical training on physical fitness in gymnasts in particular.

Keywords: physical training, athletes, strength, power, resistance, medicine ball, agility, power gymnast, gymnastic athlete

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How to Cite
TANEJA, Kanika et al. Effect of Exercise Training on Physical Fitness among Gymnastic Athletes: Systematic Review and Metanalysis. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 12, dec. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/4780>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.18103/mra.v11i12.4780.
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