Traffic and Air Pollution: How Can Public Participation and Speed Limit Legislation Benefit Health Outcomes in Germany

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Léa Weimann Edda Weimann


The increase of automobile traffic and expansions of highways is driving air pollution globally. This article takes an interdisciplinary approach looking at health, policy, public participation, and legislation and applies it to the context of Germany. In the context of a world grappling with the compounding challenges of the climate crises, fuel scarcity, and geopolitical tensions, the discourse around a general speed limit for the German Autobahn has gained unprecedented momentum. Despite Germany's unique absence of a speed limit on highways, the imperatives of climate action and public health are driving the urgency of re-evaluating this tradition. This article engages with the complex intersection of public health, environmental impact, and democratic decision-making to address the compelling case for a speed limit on German highways.

Amidst the global call for sustainable solutions, the interdisciplinary nature of this research is paramount. By exploring the intricate relationships between the automotive industry, public health, and environmental degradation, we shed light on the critical role that transportation policies play in shaping our collective future. Our investigation delves into diverse models of public participation, spotlighting the Citizens Assembly as a promising platform for democratic engagement. Beyond mere tokenism, we emphasize the necessity for actionable outcomes that genuinely empower citizens to influence policy directions.

A key aspect are the evidence-based recommendations as a way forward in the German speed limit debate. Evidence reveals that public opinion in Germany favours a speed limit. Beyond the ecological gains, we underscore the underappreciated health co-benefits intrinsic to speed reduction—a dimension pivotal in shaping the discourse on comprehensive societal well-being. Progressive action, guided by informed democratic participation, is the cornerstone of sustainable change. We urge Germany to overcome inertia and propose concrete legislative measures that are in line with the aspirations of its citizens and the imperatives of global sustainability. Given the magnitude of the climate emergency, the adoption of pragmatic interventions, including a speed limit, assumes the character of a paramount step forward in Germany's commitment to a greener and healthier future.

Keywords: Air pollution, Speed limit, Autobahn, Public Participation, Public Health, Climate Crisis, Citizens Assembly

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How to Cite
WEIMANN, Léa; WEIMANN, Edda. Traffic and Air Pollution: How Can Public Participation and Speed Limit Legislation Benefit Health Outcomes in Germany. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 12, jan. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi:
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