Mongolian medical education: the past, present and future

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Ts. Lkhagvasuren Kh. Altaisaikhan T. Altantsetseg O. Bolorsaikhan B. Oyungoo N. Sumberzul N. Khurelbaatar


The “Mongolian Medical Education: The Past, Present and Future,” a delineates the historical path of over 400 years of medical education in Mongolia, starting in the 17th century when Mamba Datsan monasteries were preparing Maaranbas (physicians). The article discusses the 50 years of socialist system beginning in 1921 and the 30 years of recent developments in the current curriculum of the undergraduate medical students. This article came to life while instilling and developing medical student training in Mongolia. Thanks to the prowess of our national scholars and professors, it is founded in Mongolian wisdom, weaving with its national culture, customs, knowledge and characteristics, based on years of our observation and experience. It is notable to emphasize the contributions this article will bring in implementing the “Balanced and Perfect “ model that couples academic training with the optional curriculum. Which teaches students and healthcare professionals, the final products of the medical school training, how to become good citizens, learn the wisdom of life with academic training based on the motto; “When one masters human knowledge, teach him knowledge from articles”.

While Mongolian Medical Education Studies (MMES) are similar to those found throughout the world, an effort has been made here to show a few unique characteristics as a solution to development. It is my belief that this creation, by MMES scholars and professions, will be a useful tool in other countries, particularly those with similarities to Mongolia in the Asia Pacific Region, for medical schools, universities and Health organizations. This article was created by experienced professors of the Medical school from various medical backgrounds who were passionate about MMES. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the scholars and professors in student training whose object was to share their developments and achievements with the rest of the world in this article on MMES. It is a benevolent action to share with others the things valued since we are learning from the world.

Keywords: Mongolian medical education

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How to Cite
LKHAGVASUREN, Ts. et al. Mongolian medical education: the past, present and future. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 12, jan. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi:
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