Resources for Clinicians in Pain Medicine: Correcting Medical Mythologies on Prescription of Opioid Analgesics

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Richard A Lawhern, PhD


The US regulatory climate pertaining to the prescribing of opioids in acute and chronic pain is presently highly fraught and polarized. The US Center for Disease Control has claimed that over-prescription of opioids by clinicians to their patients is an ongoing major cause of narcotics addiction and overdose mortality. Despite this premise having been conclusively disproved, many US clinicians face disciplinary proceedings and sanctions by State Medical Boards or the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).Those who have not left pain medicine altogether are under pressure to force-taper legacy patients below arbitrary and scientifically unsupported dose thresholds. Patients are being deserted to agony and medical collapse. Clinicians are being imprisoned for no crime other than treating their patients with safe and effective opioid therapy.


This paper offers a compendium of 81 references for clinicians practicing in pain medicine and for their lawyers, who choose to contest undeserved persecution or legal sanctions by State Medical Boards or the US DEA. Also of interest are recent references that demonstrate beyond any reasonable contradiction that the incidence of iatrogenic addiction to prescription opioids is so low that it cannot be reliably measured. The DEA has known for at least three years that the US opioid “crisis” was not created and is not being driven by clinicians “over-prescribing” to patients.

Among references provided herein are papers demonstrating that the US DEA has been aware for years that over-prescribing of opioid pain relievers is not a dominant cause of either hospital admissions or mortalities involving clinically prescribed opioid analgesics. This awareness may offer grounds for appeal or vacation of court verdicts finding clinicians in violation of “usual and normal” practice of pain medicine.


This paper comprises a critical review and analysis of medical literature pertinent to safety and effectiveness of prescription opioid analgesics employed by clinicians in the management of acute or chronic pain. Taken in combination, the references herein challenge prevailing memes and misdirection in regulation of prescription pain relievers and in otherwise unfounded prosecutions of clinicians by the US Drug Enforcement Administration, State drug enforcement authorities, and State Medical Boards.

The assembled references are selected by the author from over 15,000 accumulated papers and articles acquired during 26 years of reading clinical and popular literature as a data analyst, healthcare writer and patient advocate. Clearly, the author operates from a personal agenda of advocacy on behalf of clinicians and their patients. Evaluation of the scientific and conceptual validity of the references must ultimately rest with Medical Boards and courts in an essentially adversarial process.

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How to Cite
LAWHERN, Richard A. Resources for Clinicians in Pain Medicine: Correcting Medical Mythologies on Prescription of Opioid Analgesics. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 12, dec. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 feb. 2025. doi:
Research Articles


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Other publications are also pertinent in the dynamic between US law enforcement and clinicians:

65. Jeffrey Singer and Colleen Cowles, “War on Us: How the War on Drugs and Myths about Addiction Have Created a War on All of Us”, Cato Institute Events (Interview), March 18, 2020,

66. Jeffrey Miron, Greg Sollenberger, and Laura Nicolae, “Overdosing on Regulation – How The Government Caused the Opioid Epidemic”, Cato Institute, February 14, 2019,

67. Singer J and Burrus t, “Cops Practicing Medicine – the Parallel Histories of Drug War I and Drug War II”, Cato Institute, November 29, 2022,

68. Sullum J, “A Scathing Rejection of the Case Against Four Drug Companies Highlights Misconceptions About the 'Opioid Crisis”, Reason Magazine, November 2, 2021,

69. Sullum J, “Two Courts Debunk Widely Accepted Opioid Myths”, Reason Magazine, November 17, 2021,
70. London C, “DoJ Overreach – The Criminalization of Physicians”, Journal of Legal Medicine, Vol 41, 2021, Issue 3-4

71. Knapp G “I-Team: Pain med prescriptions did not cause opioid epidemic, courts rule” Las Vegas Now, Channel 8, November 24, 2021

72. George Knapp, “What Will Nevada’s $285M Opioid Settlement Funds Go Towards?” Las Vegas Now – Channel 8, February 11, 2022

73. Seth P, Rudd RA, Noonan RK, and Hagerich TM, "Quantifying the Epidemic of Prescription Opioid Overdose Deaths" American Journal of Public Health, 2018 April; 108(4): pp 500-502.
doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304265

74. Aabha A. Anekar; Marco Cascella. “WHO Analgesic Ladder” Stat Pearls, National Library of Medicine, January 29, 2023,

75. Jennifer P Schneider, MD, “A Practical Introduction to the Use of Opioids For Chronic Pain”, adapted from a presentation given by the author at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pain Management in Phoenix, Arizona on October 10, 2009.

76. Federation of State Medical Boards “Guidelines for the Chronic Use of Opioid Analgesics”, April 2017

77. Stephen E Nadeau MD and Richard A Lawhern PhD “Management of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain: A Framework” Pain Management – Future Medicine, Vol 12 No 6, June 2022,
78. Richard A Lawhern, “How Would Opioid Prescription Guidelines Read if Pain Patients Wrote Them?” National Pain Report, April 2017, Re-published June 2022

79. “What If Prescribing Guidelines Were Patient Centered”, Pain Week (Pain Policy), April 17, 2017

80. American Academy of Family Physicians, “Frontline Physicians Call on Politicians to End Political Interference in the Delivery of Evidence Based Medicine”, May 15, 2019

81. Richard A. Lawhern, “We Need New Laws To Protect People in Pain - The CDC’s revised prescribing guidelines retain an anti-opioid bias and do nothing to reverse the harmful policies inspired by the 2016 version.” Reason Magazine, February 14, 2023,