Awakening: The main road to integral healing

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Pier Luigi Lattuada


A condition of awakening consciousness seems to be characterised as one of the most significant aspects in achieving integral healing, i.e., psycho-spiritual, organismic and social.

There are different types of awakening to be considered from contextual to structural, from vertical to horizontal to distal or proximal.

The new paradigm of the science of consciousness and the approach of transpersonal psychology provide maps and methods for mastering the inner experience, fostering the conditions for awakening and realization of the Self.

The purpose of that article is to focus on the importance of considering awakening of consciousness among the landscape of psychological development both for individual and society.

Through a phenomenological approach we’ll describe the awakening process,

Thanks the result of two inventories we’ll focus on characteristics of awakening and we’ll suggest the Integral Transpersonal Vision as an approach to the experiences of awakening.

Keywords: Awakening, Awareness, Consciousness, Self – Realization, Healing, Second Attention

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How to Cite
LATTUADA, Pier Luigi. Awakening: The main road to integral healing. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 12, dec. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi:
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