Sensory function in cerebral palsy: an overview and considerations for consequences

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Reinald Brunner Walter Strobl


Alterations of sensory function are poorly recognizable but adequate sensory information and perception is a precondition for adequate motor function. It is of little surprise that in patients with cerebral palsy, the motor disorder is seen as the predominant lesion. This has led to the definition with motor overactivity and weakness in the forefront. However, sensory dysfunction was recognised already in the middle of the last century. It has been described more consistently in the modern literature and proven by fMRI and tractography studies. The sensory disorder can explain a wide part of the symptoms of cerebral palsy at least to some part. It comprises inappropriate and poorly controlled muscle activity, spasticity, impeded motor learning, developmental retardation, and pain. Treatment hence should focus on conveying the perception of stability and experiencing a wider range of different motions by more varying activities and functions. Early onset of treatment may help to reduce the developmental gap between patients and healthy children. Orthopaedic treatment, conservative and surgical, in the first place corrects biomechanically impeding deformities and provides mechanical stability.

Keywords: cerebral palsy; sensory function; motor disorder; perception; review paper

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How to Cite
BRUNNER, Reinald; STROBL, Walter. Sensory function in cerebral palsy: an overview and considerations for consequences. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 12, dec. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi:
Research Articles


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