Canal centering ability of various file systems during endodontic treatment and re-treatment: A systematic review

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Pravin G Patil, MDS Kulvinder Singh Banga, MDS Sachin Metkari, MDS Komal Sheth, MDS Sanpreet Singh Sachdev, MDS Siddhesh Latke, MDS


Introduction: The canal-centering ability of an endodontic file is the ability of a file to maintain its path centered through the root canal without causing transportation. Various researchers have attempted to compare the canal-centering ability of the different file systems used routinely in endodontic practice. The present systematic review aimed to comparatively analyze the canal-centering ability of the various endodontic file systems.

Methods: A systematic search was performed using the keywords ‘Canal centering ability’ and ‘Endodontics’ across the databases Medline, PubMed, PubMed Central, Web of Science Citation Index Expanded, and Google Scholar to identify studies related to canal-centering ability of various file systems in endodontic treatment or re-treatment in English language without any restriction for the date of publication.

Results: A total of 22 studies were identified, most of which utilized human extracted teeth for analyzing the canal-centering ability. The mesial root of the mandibular first molars was most commonly used, with the mesiobuccal canal being commonly chosen to compare the canal centering ability. No significant difference was found between the canal-centering ability of reciprocating and continuous rotary file systems. The individual conclusions regarding comparisons made between respective file systems in each study have been summarized in the text.

Conclusion: The canal-centering ability of various endodontic file systems does not depend on the speed or motion of the file but is a derivative of multiple factors including geometry, composition, size, and shape of the files. Findings from the present systematic review would serve as a guide for an appropriate selection of the files to be used in cases with challenging canal morphology requiring endodontic treatment.

Keywords: Root canal treatment, Canal transportation, Biomechanical preparation

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How to Cite
PATIL, Pravin G et al. Canal centering ability of various file systems during endodontic treatment and re-treatment: A systematic review. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 1, jan. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 feb. 2025. doi:
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