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marina souza Jaqueline Guimarães Almeida Barbosa Maria Imaculada de Fátima Freitas


Among the obstacles to the promotion of sexual health in the field of mental health difficulties are the professionals to deal with the issue of sexuality. This creates barriers and prevents the expression of the needs and concerns of people with mental disorders. The objective was to study representations of mental health professionals about the modes of expression of sexuality of people with mental disorder. The study is qualitative, based on notions of Social Representations and conducted through focus groups with 54 professionals of public mental health in Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 2011, after approval by the Ethics Committee of UFMG. The central question that guided the discussion groups was: "Talk about           the sexuality of people with mental disorders." The interpretation of the discussion was based on the Structural Analysis of Narrative. The results showed representations of denial of the sexuality of people with mental disorder, with reproaches towards expressed manifestations such as masturbation, homosexuality and sexual intercourse between persons with mental disorders, considered "unusual." However, they believe that these modes of management of sexual life are currents and from the "the madness itself" and should generally be repressed and on which it prefers silence and detachment. The results indicate the need for training, with new approaches, considering human rights and principles of comprehensiveness as mental health care.

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How to Cite
SOUZA, marina; BARBOSA, Jaqueline Guimarães Almeida; FREITAS, Maria Imaculada de Fátima. SEXUAL EXPRESSION OF PEOPLE WITH MENTAL DISORDER: REPRESENTATIONS OF MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, june 2016. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
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