The Integration of Technology and Innovation in the Development of Patient-Centered Medicine in the Intensive Care Unit: A Literature Review

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Roberto Rabello Filho, MD, PhD Thiago Domingos Corrêa, MD, PhD


Since the advent of intensive care units in the twentieth century, several advances have been developed in relation to diagnosis, organ support, and treatment modalities. However, the environment for professionals, patients and their families continues to be stressful and uncomfortable. Optimizing the working conditions and processes of intensive care units is of great significance for improving efficiency and minimizing human errors. Innovations and technological advances can also bring higher quality and safer medicine, as well as greater personalization and a better experience for critically ill patients. This article reviews the progress in the related fields that could be the trend in the coming years for the formation of intelligent intensive care units. It is discussed how thinking about design, structure, equipment, less invasive monitoring, expansion of digital transformation, incorporation of artificial intelligence, in addition to the perspectives of these changes on the multidisciplinary team, can be important in the search for patient-centered care in the future of the intensive care units.

Keywords: Critical care, technology, patient-centered care, artificial intelligence, intensive care units

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How to Cite
FILHO, Roberto Rabello; CORRÊA, Thiago Domingos. The Integration of Technology and Innovation in the Development of Patient-Centered Medicine in the Intensive Care Unit: A Literature Review. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 1, jan. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 jan. 2025. doi:
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