Views of medically responsible nurses and managers of care homes for older adults on communication of information on Covid-19: a case study in Greater Stockholm

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Ann E.M. Liljas Janne Agerholm Bo Burström


This study explored the views of medically responsible nurses and managers of care homes for older adults in Greater Stockholm on communication of information during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. Study participants consisted of managers of care homes for older adults (n=10) and medically responsible nurses (n=4). Semi-structured interviews were conducted between 5th and 30th November 2020. Data were analysed thematically. Findings show that both medically responsible nurses and managers of care homes experienced the information from different authorities during the first wave of the pandemic to be inconsistent and uncoordinated, which caused stress particularly among the managers. Some managers expressed that they would have wanted more assistance from the medically responsible nurse. Some managers created their own support networks to share ideas and resources. The medically responsible nurses also reported being overwhelmed by information, and that they tried to condense it and only disseminate relevant parts to the care home managers. The role of medically responsible nurses in the municipality varied locally. Some had a more managerial role within the municipal leadership, while others also to some extent worked hands-on and frequently visited local care homes. Before the pandemic their contact with care home managers was not very frequent, and for some the relationship was worsened during the first phase of the pandemic. Yet, in some cases the medically responsible nurse successfully acted as an important player linking information, guidelines and data share between authorities and care homes. In conclusion, this study suggests that there is a need for clarification of the roles and responsibilities of the different actors in the health and social care of older adults in Sweden including the role of medically responsible nurses. The findings of this study also stress that information from authorities needs to be adapted to those targeted.

Keywords: nurses and managers of care homes, care homes for older adults, Covid-19, case study, Greater Stockholm

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How to Cite
LILJAS, Ann E.M.; AGERHOLM, Janne; BURSTRÖM, Bo. Views of medically responsible nurses and managers of care homes for older adults on communication of information on Covid-19: a case study in Greater Stockholm. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 2, feb. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi:
Research Articles


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