Neuropsychological Changes Across Life Stages and Their Impact on Spirituality

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Robert G. Sacco


This study examines neuropsychological changes across life stages and their impact on spirituality. Focusing on infancy to old age, it explores how the brain’s evolution influences spiritual perception and experiences. Key findings include the foundational role of early brain development in shaping basic spiritual awareness and the significant transformation during adolescence and early adulthood, marked by deep questioning and exploration of spiritual identity. The research highlights that peak spiritual experiences and brain complexity may coincide around age 18, suggesting a crucial period for spiritual exploration. In contrast, older adulthood, despite potential cognitive decline, often leads to a deepening of spiritual life, characterized by reflection and wisdom. The study underscores the interconnectedness of neuropsychological development and spirituality, emphasizing the importance of considering spiritual well-being alongside physical and mental health. It concludes that spirituality is a vital, evolving aspect of the human experience, closely linked to neuropsychological changes throughout life.

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How to Cite
SACCO, Robert G.. Neuropsychological Changes Across Life Stages and Their Impact on Spirituality. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 2, feb. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi:
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