Abuse of Women and Children in Armed Conflict and Domestically: More Effective Safeguarding Systems Urgently Needed to Prevent these Crimes and Ensure Protection

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David Southall, OBE, MD, FRCPCH Rhona MacDonald, MBChB, MPH, MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG Siobhan MacKenzie, BA Hons


Emergency medicine health workers have major roles in managing the clinical effects of armed conflict and domestic abuse on women and children. To safeguard vulnerable people from such criminal abuse, there is an urgent need for international and domestic action. International and national legal systems need to work more rapidly and efficiently with immediate power to protect against, and prevent, such abuse.

Internationally, the current weakness of the United Nations Security Council to provide civilian protection, such as through UN troops on the ground and no-fly zones over conflict areas, and thereby minimise the effects of armed conflict on civilians, can, and has, largely resulted from self-serving, dangerous vetoes of the 5 permanent members with major conflicts of interest, in part related to their role in the manufacturing and global distribution of weapons.

The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court have little immediate power to protect civilians affected by war crimes, including abuse, which breach the Geneva and other International Conventions. To date, the number of war criminals convicted by the International Criminal Court is incredibly small, and the long delay in the Courts’ decisions mean that the consequences of the war crimes sometimes continue for years. 

We describe new systems to better protect women and children from abuse in the home. We propose a new definition that separates ill treatment from criminal abuse that is undertaken for gain by perpetrators (who are often carers or intimate partners with antisocial personality disorders). Ill treatment undertaken within families experiencing adversity such as homelessness, poverty, displacement, and addiction requires compassion and socio-economic support. In contrast the crimes of abuse committed for gain require stronger forensic approaches investigated and addressed by special, inter-agency, forensic taskforce units led by senior experienced detectives in partnership with social, healthcare, and legal professionals.

We also discuss additional issues linked to abuse, such as the links between animal/pet abuse and human abuse, the need for better systems to prevent and protect children living in institutions, better regulation of social media to protect children from scenes of violence and sexual abuse, and gun control needed to protect children, especially in the USA.    

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How to Cite
SOUTHALL, David; MACDONALD, Rhona; MACKENZIE, Siobhan. Abuse of Women and Children in Armed Conflict and Domestically: More Effective Safeguarding Systems Urgently Needed to Prevent these Crimes and Ensure Protection. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 2, feb. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/5048>. Date accessed: 21 dec. 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.18103/mra.v12i2.5048.
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