Therapeutic Measures from Cardiovascular Damage using Statins, Acetylsalicylic Acid during the Abuse of Irrational Cycles of Anabolic Steroids in Bodybuilder Who Were Infected with the COVID-19

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Sid Solakovic Haris Serhatlic Nina Solakovic Fedja Hajrulahovic Amina Godinjak Ratko Pavlović Mensur Vrcic Zhanneta Kozina Ksenya Yarymbash Olena Dorofieieva


Introduction: We are increasingly witnessing the self-initiated, uncontrolled stacking of incompatible anabolic substances in various cycles in the young Balkan Recreational Bodybuilding population group, increasingly frequent acts of violence in our country and the emergence of a neglected and very silent epidemic that is taking on an increasingly aggressive course of illness and psychological behavior. Black market anabolic steroids are associated with many generally health problems and uncontrolled aggression behavior by abusers. Young unsolicited recreate bodybuilding are also associated with generalized atherosclerosis and potential increased high risk for heart disease that can structural and functional damage the cardiovascular system during muscle mass steroid cycles. Besides high calorie intake, elevating serum blood lipid cholesterol levels LDL lowering HDL levels, elevating, systolic and diastolic blood pressure take a certain participation in cardiovascular risk and therefor need a development of certain cardiovascular protection strategies for this avoiding medical supervision anabolic steroids abuser group which are not yet appropriate established. 

The aim of the short study was to estimate Cardiovascular Protective Strategy Measures on lipid levels, and blood pressure status in a young recreational bodybuilder with different ethnic groups who Abuse Anabolic Steroids during controversial and different mass Cycles with and without taking Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) and Statins.

Subjects and methods: This study was conducted from beginning of January, 2022 till end of July, 2022. 140 subjects are included age 17-30 (74 male Recreational Bodybuilder Who Abuse Anabolic Steroids on Simvastatin’s 10mg and Acetylsalicylic Acid 150mg doses of (ASA) and 10 grams of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids during mass Steroid Cycles and 66 impellers group of male Recreational Bodybuilder Who Abuse Anabolic Steroids consisting without consume Statins and Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) during mass Steroid Cycles). For the testing of statistical significance of differences between the exanimated groups non-parameter and parameter tests were used. The difference at a level of p< (0,001) was statistically significant. Results: In all the tested subjects we investigated increasing lipid levels and blood pressure after six months of study. Analysis shows the statistically insignificant influence of antiplatelet therapy (150mg Acetylsalicylic acid) (ASA), combined with Simvastatin 10mg p<(0,001) in steroid abuse subjects during irrational muscle mass steroid cycles.

Conclusion: Lack of familiarity with combinations of anabolic substances, as well as the danger of oral applications of very harmful steroids from the former Soviet Union and German Democratic Republic (GDR), this study showed. Avoidance of physician supervision by recreate bodybuilders by deceiving of the athletic subjectivity look, seams appears almost always in gym. This cardiovascular protective measures have poor benefit appeared to be usefully blind preventing strategy of controlling blood lipid levels during muscle mass steroid cycles, with no guaranty of worsen cardiovascular condition by abusing anabolic steroids. The influence of the reflection of the COVID 19 virus on such dramatic therapeutic results in this population group of two groups cannot be ruled out for sure.

Keywords: Anabolic Steroids, Recreational Bodybuilder, Cardiovascular, Statins (Simvastatin’s), Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA), Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

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How to Cite
SOLAKOVIC, Sid et al. Therapeutic Measures from Cardiovascular Damage using Statins, Acetylsalicylic Acid during the Abuse of Irrational Cycles of Anabolic Steroids in Bodybuilder Who Were Infected with the COVID-19. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 2, feb. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi:
Research Articles


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70. Solakovic S, Vrcic M, Pavlovic R et al. Can Self-controlled Stationary Bicycle Moderate Inten¬sity Training Increase Claudication Distance in Patients with Fontains Stage IIa without the Ef¬fects of Expansion on Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (IAAA) Diametar without Iliac Artery Dilatation (IAD) and Iliac Artery Aneu¬rysms (IAA)? International journal of Exercise Physiology. 2019; 8 (3.1): 180-190.
71. Solakovic S, Vrcic M, Pavlovic R et al. Irational Abuse of Anabolic Steroids Stacking with Aro-matase Inhibitors Increase Carotid Intima-Me-dia Thickness (CIMT) and Lowerining High Den¬sity Lipoprotein (HDL) levels Causing High Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and Poten¬tial Steatohepatitis in Young Recreational Bodybuilders Age 17-30 (pilot study). Interna¬tional journal of Exercise Physiology. 2019;8 (3.1): 197-207.

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