The Role of Vitamin D in Prevention, Treatment, and Health Recovery of COVID-19 Patients (Literature Review)

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Demsa Simbolon


One non-pharmacological treatment for COVID-19 involves the consumption of vitamin D, which has been shown to positively impact the body's immune system. It can lower the risk of infection and contribute to both specific and non-specific immunity, including enhancing physical barriers, natural cellular immunity, and the adaptive immune system. However, further evidence is necessary to elucidate vitamin D's exact role in preventing, treating, and aiding recovery in individuals with COVID-19. This study aims to explore the role of vitamin D in preventing, treating severity, and promoting the recovery of individuals with COVID-19. Conducted through a literature review utilizing a summarized methodology, the study examines the findings regarding vitamin D's impact on the health outcomes of COVID-19 patients. The analysis of 11 relevant articles suggests that vitamin D does indeed play a crucial role in preventing, treating, and aiding recovery in individuals with COVID-19. It appears to reduce the severity of respiratory infections, strengthen the immune systems of COVID-19 patients, and potentially expedite recovery, as evidenced by shorter hospitalization periods among those supplemented with vitamin D.

Keywords: Covid-19, Prevention, Treatment, Recovery, Vitamin D

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How to Cite
SIMBOLON, Demsa. The Role of Vitamin D in Prevention, Treatment, and Health Recovery of COVID-19 Patients (Literature Review). Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 3, mar. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024. doi:
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