Analyzing the Reported Prevalence of Heart Disease among United States Adults: Trends from the National Center for Health Statistics Database

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Oluwafeyi Adedoyin, MD Seye A Olaniyi, MBChB Wendy Miranda, MD Omolola R Ajekigbe, MBBS Ifelunwa M Osanakpo, MD Ogbodo T. Charles, MBBS Linda A. Mbah, MD Adaobi E. Atueyi, MD Joseph O. Adewale, MBBS Blessing Itua, MD Chidinma J. Kanu, MD Chiadikaobi A Okwu, MBBS Okelue Edwards Okobi, MD, MS


This study aims to comprehensively analyze and elucidate the reported prevalence of heart disease among United States adults, utilizing data extracted from the National Center for Health Statistics database from 1999 to 2019.

We conducted a thorough analysis of the National Center for Health Statistics database to examine demographic and socioeconomic variables, such as age, gender, race, education, poverty level, geographic region, and metropolitan status, influencing heart disease prevalence among United States adults. The outcomes were concisely summarized using aggregate data from 1999-2019, delineating prevalence trends across all participants throughout these years. One-way Analysis of Variance was utilized for statistical analyses, assessing variations in heart disease prevalence across diverse demographic and socioeconomic categories.

The study reported notable trends in age-specific prevalence, revealing distinct patterns across different age groups. The age-adjusted average reported heart disease prevalence for individuals aged 18 and over from 1999 to 2019 was 5.9%,. Within the 18-44 age group, prevalence started at 1.0% and increased notably across subsequent age brackets: 45-54 (4.3%), 55-64 (9.9%), 65-74 (16.8%), and 75 and older (24.4%). Adult men consistently had a higher prevalence (7.6%) than women (4.5%). Prevalence varied among racial groups, with the highest in American Indian or Alaska Native-only individuals (12.4%). Socioeconomic variables illustrated a robust association between lower educational attainment, poverty, and increased heart disease prevalence. Geographic and metropolitan status analyses unveiled significant regional and residential disparities in reported heart disease prevalence. Education-level analysis revealed a higher prevalence for lower education (9.1%) and a lower prevalence for higher education (6.1%). Significant differences were observed in each category (p < 0.001).

This study highlights epidemiological patterns and reports heart disease prevalence, stressing the urgency for targeted interventions and preventative measures. Results underscore the importance of addressing temporal patterns, demographic inequalities, and geographic disparities through strategic public health efforts.

Keywords: Heart Disease, NCHS, Reported prevalence, United States, Adults

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How to Cite
ADEDOYIN, Oluwafeyi et al. Analyzing the Reported Prevalence of Heart Disease among United States Adults: Trends from the National Center for Health Statistics Database. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 4, may 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi:
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