Metadichol®-induced expression of circadian clock transcription factors in human fibroblasts

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P.R. Raghavan


Circadian clock genes regulate many physiological processes, including sleep, metabolism, inflammation, and cancer. Disruptions in these cycles are associated with heightened vulnerability to cancer, psychiatric diseases, and neurological problems. Circadian clock genes play a vital role in the growth and progression of cancer. Manipulating the circadian clock mechanism can eliminate cancer cells, augment the effectiveness of chemotherapy, eliminate senescent cells, and reinstate regular circadian cycles.

The circadian clock genes that are crucial for regulating the daily physiological processes of mammals include Cry1, Bmal1, Per1, Ppargc1a, and Clock. Currently, there is a lack of information regarding small molecules that can effectively control and activate all five transcription factors. By subjecting fibroblasts to treatment with Metadichol, we can induce the expression of all the genes, as evidenced by the results obtained from quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT‒PCR). The administration of metadichol significantly enhanced the expression of the Cry1, Clock, and Ppargc1a genes in human fibroblasts, resulting in a four- to fivefold increase in expression. Metadichol successfully maintained the expression of the Per1 and Bmal1 genes at a dose of 100 ng. Clock and Bmal1 heterodimers initiate the activation of Cry1, Per1, and other clock genes via a feedback loop. The Cry1 and Per1 proteins inhibit the function of Clock-Bmal1. Ppargc1a regulates the expression of Clock and metabolic genes. Metadichol did not result in elevated levels of Per1 and Bmal1 expression, suggesting that it does not directly affect these genes. Metadichol is a nontoxic molecule, and its effects on circadian rhythm can have significant implications for human health to alleviate the progression of numerous ailments and diseases

Keywords: Circadian rhythm, Clock, Bmal1, Per1, Cry1, Ppargc1a, NRID1, Metadichol, Nanoemulsion, Long-Chain Alcohols, Sirt 1 and Sirt 6

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RAGHAVAN, P.R.. Metadichol®-induced expression of circadian clock transcription factors in human fibroblasts. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 6, june 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi:
Research Articles


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