Curing the Cancer in Healthcare

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Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA


Cancer occurs when an organ in the body or a part of a system goes rogue and grows without limit, eventually killing the host. Healthcare systems worldwide are critically ill with cancer. Patients are experiencing death-by-queue. Systems thinking exposes the cancer in healthcare, its mechanism of action, and how to cure it.

Manifestations of healthcare cancer include shortages, especially of physicians; dollar inefficient, over-spending by most nations, particularly the U.S.; medical care itself unaffordable for most people; and accessibility to care so limited that people are dying waiting in line for care.

Effects of malignancy in healthcare include flouting the law; taking away medical autonomy; asserting a right to health care that is incompatible with freedom; elimination of the fiduciary relationship; and imposition of medical tyranny.

The cancer imposes its will on healthcare systems by controlling its financing and thereby controlling medical decision-making. The cure involves restoring decision-making authority – both financial and medical – to the patients, taking it away from the cancer. Details of this “cure” are discussed including impacts on patients, providers, and finances. 

Patient-controlled health care is the only way to achieve timely, compassionate, quality, affordable care to We the Patients.

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How to Cite
WALDMAN, Deane. Curing the Cancer in Healthcare. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 6, june 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 08 dec. 2024. doi:
Research Articles


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