Projection of Bipolarity to Mitochondria: GABA Shunt is related with Self pathology and Medical Comorbidity in Bipolar Disorder

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Sermin Kesebir


The nature of the relationship with the self-object is the source of mental energy. At this point, the self is a spatiotemporal formation. The self has been found to be associated with the GAD enzyme activity responsible for GABA production at the molecular level. GABA is a metabolite of Krebs. Bipolar disorder is a biphasic state of energy dysregulation as a circadian rithms. Phasic nature of mitochondria to produce ATP may be crucial to the switching of affective states in bipolar disorder. The GABA shunt is an alternative energy production pathway that is activated in response to stress. The GABA shunt plays an important role in preventing the accumulation of reactive oxygen intermediates and cell death. On the other hand, GABA shunt impairs phosphorylation processes. Mitochondrial dysfunction is reflected in glucose, lipid and protein metabolism. A bipolar spectrum is possible at this point, including physical illnesses. A classification of mood disorders based on entropy levels is framed by medical comorbidity.

Keywords: Bipolar Disorder, Mitochondrial disfunction, GABA Shunt, Self pathology, Medical comorbidity

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How to Cite
KESEBIR, Sermin. Projection of Bipolarity to Mitochondria: GABA Shunt is related with Self pathology and Medical Comorbidity in Bipolar Disorder. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 6, june 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 feb. 2025. doi:
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