Using ‘Health’ to Promote Older Adults’ Digital Health Literacy

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Caroline A. Lockhart Inga Hunter


Aim: This project explored requirements for digital learning to support digital health literacy of older adults within a rural region.

Method: A qualitative study with purposeful sampling and thematic analysis of data. Interviews were held with ten digital educators and seven older adults (four with low vision) living and/or working in rural New Zealand.

Results: All participants recognised the importance of trust and having the right people to provide support and foster positive engagement with digital technologies. The digital educators recognised a missed opportunity to engage older adults using health as a topic for digital learning.

Conclusion: A positive experience with learning to use digital technologies is necessary to facilitate digital health literacy for older adults. Digital educators want access to reputable resources to promote health websites; many don’t know these exist. A wide range of digital literacy learning services exist which need to be better promoted in hard copy and online. The authors recommend building on older adults’ existing relationships, engaging with community groups, providing pop-up sessions, and running events to increase digital technological knowledge and engage with health information online. The key is utilising the right people to support the older adult with opportunities for digital skills uptake.

Keywords: digital literacy, older adult, digital learning, health, technology, skills

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How to Cite
LOCKHART, Caroline A.; HUNTER, Inga. Using ‘Health’ to Promote Older Adults’ Digital Health Literacy. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 6, july 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 02 july 2024. doi:
Research Articles


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