Expert recommendations on feeding practices of milk diets in acute infant diarrhea in India: a collaborative position statement Expert opinion on nutritional management in acute infant diarrhea

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Gut Health Consortium Shantanu Dutt Arunaloke Bhattacharya Arun Fotedar Chandan Ray Jagadish Dhekne S. Srinivas


Acute infant diarrhea has a significant impact on India's public health landscape, which is characterized by regional disparities and predominantly viral causes that often resolve on their own. The primary management objective of acute infant diarrhea is to ensure quick recovery while maintaining the nutritional intake of affected infants, aiming to reduce weight loss, manage loose stools better, and reduce the duration of diarrhea. Early refeeding, oral rehydration solution (ORS), and zinc supplementation are critical strategies, according to international consensus and scientific validation. Milk-based diets practically form a key part of dietary choices in young children. There was a need to develop an expert position for the nutritional management of acute infant diarrhea in this aspect in the Indian context. Therefore, between July and September 2023, a series of expert meetings across India were dedicated to formulating an evidence-based position for the nutritional management of acute infant diarrhea. The emphasis was on the benefits of continuing feeding and early refeeding as appropriate, and promoting continued breastfeeding. For non-breastfed infants, a strategic approach to selecting suitable milk diets was deliberated, supporting rapid recovery without compromising nutrition. This strategy not only supports the overall developmental well-being of the infant but also addresses potential issues related to alternative diets, such as palatability, potential long-term effects, and the challenges of reverting to standard milk diets. Through these discussions, a comprehensive framework for managing nutrition in acute diarrhea in infants with milk-based diets was established, highlighting the importance of continued nutritional intake along with standard management guidelines.

Keywords: Diarrhea, infant, low lactose, weight loss, early refeeding, secondary lactose intolerance, malnutrition

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How to Cite
CONSORTIUM, Gut Health et al. Expert recommendations on feeding practices of milk diets in acute infant diarrhea in India: a collaborative position statement. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 9, oct. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 oct. 2024. doi:
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