Assessing the impact of age management tools on the long-term sustainable unemployment rate (NAIRU) countries with recommendations for healthy and active population aging in the Czech Republic and selected Eurozone countries

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Emilie Jasova


The article uses the concept of age management to map the impact of active and healthy ageing of the population on the sustainability of economic and social prosperity of the Czech Republic and selected countries of the Eurozone. The ageing of society requires a change in the understanding of the elderly. In addition to the protection of older citizens, the sustainability of employment of older people should be actively promoted, e.g. by taking into account the latest age management trends in labour processes and the labour market. The results of desk research in the international and domestic literature have recommended the application of the age management principle in the form of the concept of work ability. The theoretical indicator Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment has emerged as a priority area of influence of age management measures on published labour market indicators. Regression analysis was applied to confirm these conclusions on data from the Czech Republic and selected Eurozone countries. The analysis confirms, for example, an above-average desirable effect on the theoretical unemployment rate for the cancer screening indicator. In the age group 25-49, both men and women with less than primary education were included. Foreign experience recommends labour market reform to increase productivity in the Eurozone, focusing primarily on workforce training. The theoretical-empirical conclusions emphasize the necessity of a balanced connection of labor market policy and health care for the prevention and maintenance of work ability, for the reduction of structural unemployment, for the prevention of early retirement and for the promotion of mental health at the workplace.

Keywords: Healthy and active aging of population, Population aging, age management, work ability, WAI, regression analysis, non-inflationary unemployment rate

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How to Cite
JASOVA, Emilie. Assessing the impact of age management tools on the long-term sustainable unemployment rate (NAIRU) countries with recommendations for healthy and active population aging in the Czech Republic and selected Eurozone countries. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 10, oct. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024. doi:
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