Suspected Causes of the Specific Intolerance Profile of Spike-Based Covid-19 Vaccines (Review/Analysis)

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Karla Johanna Lehmann, Dr. med.


The aim of this review is to provide explanations for many of the reported adverse reactions associated with spike-based Covid-19 vaccination and to draw appropriate conclusions.

Based on the comparatively disproportionate spectrum of adverse reactions of spike-based vaccines, an overwhelming body of evidence supports the consequences of the main mode of action of spike-based Covid-19 vaccines, namely the downregulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) by spikes.  This enzyme is a key protective  counterregulator in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is not only responsible for cardiovascular homeostasis, but is also involved in pro-inflammatory, procoagulant, pro-fibrotic and immunological effects via its main vasoconstrictor effector,  angiotensin II. This may explain the magnitude and diversity of the spectrum of side effects.

Other spike effects (cell fusion, binding to heparan sulphate, activation of Toll-like receptor 4), synergisms (increase in des-arg9-bradykinin, catecholamines) and impairment of intestinal amino acid uptake complement and multiply the already adverse effects of spike-related downregulation of ACE2 on tolerability.

Spike-based Covid-19 vaccines are characterised by a class-specific profile of adverse reactions. A causal relationship between an activated renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and vasoconstrictive and ischaemic sequelae can be considered to be proven. Therefore, stimulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and co-medication with vasoconstrictive, catecholaminergic or TLR4- and DABK-activating and heparan sulphate-inhibiting drugs should be avoided for the duration of spike efficacy.

It has been shown that vaccine spikes are distributed systemically and are detectable in the body for longer than previously thought. According to current knowledge, the time window for assessing a causal relationship between vaccination and adverse reactions can be extended to up to six months.

The variability of adverse effects is likely to be comparatively high, especially for spike-inducing vaccines, as the occurrence and severity of adverse reactions can be influenced by numerous individual factors and counter-regulatory mechanisms. There are no findings on this.

The exceptionally wide range, frequency and severity of reported adverse reactions associated with spike-based Covid-19 vaccination exceeds the known level of conventional vaccination and is a cause for serious concern. From a pharmacological point of view, spikes are highly potent substances, but they are not innocuous antigens. Therefore, they do not appear to be suitable for preventive immunisation against comparatively harmless infections.

Keywords: Spike-based Covid-19 vaccination, spike induced adverse drug reactions, mode of action of spikes

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How to Cite
LEHMANN, Karla Johanna. Suspected Causes of the Specific Intolerance Profile of Spike-Based Covid-19 Vaccines (Review/Analysis). Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 9, oct. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 oct. 2024. doi:
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