Soil Degradation Effects on Human Malnutrition and Under-Nutrition

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Rattan Lal


Fertile and productive soil is a finite, fragile and precious resource. Soil health and its productive capacity are dependent on land use and management. Among primary causes of soil degradation are physical (decline of soil structure, crusting, compaction, hard-setting, erosion by water and wind, drought), chemical (salinization, acidification, elemental imbalance, nutrient depletion), biological (decline in soil organic matter content, decline in activity and species diversity of soil biodiversity, buildup of pests and pathogens) and ecological [(decoupling and disruption of coupled cycling of water and essential elements such as N, P, S, Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Zn, Se, I, Mo) and imbalance of energy and water]. Soil degradation is also affected by civil strife and political instability. Indeed, soil health is a victim of any war. Modern war based on explosives and heavy equipment leads to compaction, cratering, pollution and contamination with adverse effects on quality and quantity of food and its nutritional composition. Contamination of soil by heavy metals (Hg, Pb, As) is a serious health hazard for human and wildlife. Restoration of contaminated and polluted soil may occur at decadal and centennial scale. There is strong need for change in curricula from kindergarten to primary and secondary school regarding the importance of soil and environment on human health and wellbeing. Soil Health Act must be enacted and implemented to protect and sustainably manage the precious soil resource. Public awareness must be enhanced about the importance of healthy diet as medicine.

Keywords: Soil degradation, contamination, pollution, soil health, plant nutrition, human nutrition, One Health Concept, Rights-of-Soil, Soil Health Act, Ecosystem services

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How to Cite
LAL, Rattan. Soil Degradation Effects on Human Malnutrition and Under-Nutrition. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 10, oct. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 dec. 2024. doi:
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