On Problem-Solving as Parallel Processing in a Network with the Limited Number of Connections Between Neuron-Like Units

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Pavel N. Prudkov Olga N. Rodina


Problem-solving is considered a sequential process, when one thought is a prerequisite for the next one. However, most mental processes are parallel. Based on assumptions that thinking can be considered processing information in a network of neuron-like units functioning in parallel, we hypothesized parallel processing always occurs in problem-solving. We suggest there are individual differences regarding the easiness of the emergence of task-related but supplementary thoughts that can be applied to elucidate how parallel processing influences problem-solving. A questionnaire on the emergence of supplementary thoughts was designed. It was hypothesized there may be positive correlation coefficients between scores on the questionnaire and scores on problem-solving tasks and the times taken to perform these tasks. A total of 700 freelancers participated in three experiments. Four tasks were used to characterize problem-solving. To study the relationship between parallel processing and processing speed the simple reaction time task was used. A short-term memory task was used to investigate the relationship between parallel processing and working memory. Cronbach's alpha for the questionnaire was 0.683. All correlation coefficients between scores on the questionnaire and the variables derived from the problem-solving tasks were significant. A correlation coefficient between scores on the short-term memory task and scores on the questionnaire was insignificant. A partial correlation between reaction times and scores on the questionnaire was insignificant. There was a positive correlation between scores on the questionnaire and age. Thus, unlike other characteristics associated with flexibility in thinking, parallel processing is not deteriorated with age. An explanation for this fact is suggested.

Keywords: thinking, parallelism, parallel processing, network, neuron-like unit

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PRUDKOV, Pavel N.; RODINA, Olga N.. On Problem-Solving as Parallel Processing in a Network with the Limited Number of Connections Between Neuron-Like Units. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 10, oct. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/5806>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.18103/mra.v12i10.5806.
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