Nursing Care in the Pediatric Hemodialysis Room: an integrative review

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Maria Nauside Pessoa da Silva Lorena Rocha Batista Carvalho Layanne Cavalcante de Moura Manuelle Rodrigues da Silva Marcia Laís Fortes Rodrigues Mattos Marcelo de Moura Carvalho Aika Barros Barbosa Maia


Chronic kidney disease in pediatrics is a complex health condition and presents several challenges regarding management, treatment and care in order to promote the well-being and quality of life of children. Hemodialysis is the most widely used treatment method. This study aims to address chronic kidney disease, nursing care in the pediatric hemodialysis room and the emotional impacts on the quality of life of children undergoing hemodialysis. This is an integrative review of content selected through a bibliographic survey of published articles, qualitative research. The results presented three thematic categories: hemodialysis in pediatrics and the emotional impacts on the quality of life of children, quality of life of children undergoing hemodialysis and nursing care in the pediatric hemodialysis room. Concluding that the quality of life of children undergoing hemodialysis is a context that involves physical, emotional and social aspects. Nursing care in pediatric hemodialysis is the most diverse and determines a combination of technical knowledge and skills to meet the physical and emotional health demands of the patients being assisted. Thus, the role of nurses has peculiar and essential characteristics to provide qualified care, preserving the safety of children and minimizing clinical risks regarding the assessment of signs and symptoms and the management of therapeutic treatment.

Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Failure, Hemodialysis, Renal Dialysis, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Pediatrics

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How to Cite
DA SILVA, Maria Nauside Pessoa et al. Nursing Care in the Pediatric Hemodialysis Room: an integrative review. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 10, oct. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi:
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