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Cátia Martins leite Padilha Lucas Gomes Padilha Filho Rosana da Paz Ferreira Nadja de Abreu Carvalho Larissa Maria David Gabardo-Martins Laura Maria Campello Martins Sergio Augusto Lopes de Souza


This study aims to understand the psychosocial impacts of radiotherapy on patients with cervical cancer, contributing to the planning of actions to improve their quality of life. A descriptive and qualitative field study was conducted with patients who completed the radiotherapy protocol and returned for clinical follow-up at the Hospital do Câncer II – RJ / INCA. Between September 2019 and February 2020, 17 patients were interviewed, aged between 33 and 85 years, excluding 7 for not meeting the criteria. The study revealed that the diagnosis and radiotherapy treatment of cervical cancer have a significant impact on the lives of women and their families, with varied experiences and perceptions among the patients. The research highlighted the importance of psychological and familial support in dealing with the consequences of the disease and treatment. Additionally, faith and spirituality play a crucial role in emotions and coping with the disease. Therefore, it is essential that strategies to improve these women’s quality of life include adequate psychological support and the involvement of qualified professionals.

Keywords: Psychosocial Impact, Cervical Cancer, Radiotherapy.

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How to Cite
PADILHA, Cátia Martins leite et al. PERCEPTION AND COPING OF PATIENTS UNDERGOING RADIOTHERAPY FOR CERVICAL CANCER. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 9, sep. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 oct. 2024. doi:
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