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Adriana Nunes Wolffenbüttel, PhD


The loss or decrease of smell and taste can be caused by several factors, such as psychotropic medications, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis, neurological pathologies, cancer treatments, postinfectious and posttraumatic olfactory loss, older people, car accident, fire, cigarette smoke, psychological trauma, and other causes. Currently the greatest demand is due to the sequelae of Covid-19, that is the loss of smell. This aromatherapy protocol to restore the sense of smell was developed based on research data and references of the performance of essential oils (EO). EO are lipophilic substances extracted from plant species; they are mainly constituted by terpenic structures which are therapeutic bioactives. The objective of the methodology is to re-sensitize the neural route that allows the identification of aroma and taste. Following this, we recommend the use of EO to restore the health of the respiratory system, immune system, mental and emotional system. It can be observed that the olfactory and gustatory perception improve after one month this protocol is applied. There are researchers though, showing that the average time is 3 months, and it may extend above 8 months. This treatment methodology is based on neural plasticity of the olfactory system, non-invasive and safe procedure, that should thus be considered a simple addition to existing smell treatment methods.

Keywords: aromatherapy, essential oils, anosmia, hiposmia, respiratory system, olfactory training

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WOLFFENBÜTTEL, Adriana Nunes. AROMATHERAPY PROTOCOL FOR OLFACTORY RESTORATION. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 10, oct. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 mar. 2025. doi:
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