Grounding To Treat Anxiety

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Laura Koniver, MD


Background: Anxiety disorders are prevalent worldwide, affecting approximately 34% of the U.S. population and contributing significantly to global disability and disease burden. While effective treatments exist, access remains limited, with only 25% of affected individuals receiving care. This review explores grounding, a holistic practice that connects individuals to the Earth's electrical field, as a potential adjunctive treatment for anxiety.

Methods: This review examines the existing literature on grounding and its physiological effects on anxiety. Key mechanisms of action include the regulation of the autonomic nervous system, reduction of muscle tension, improvement of mood and cognitive clarity, with a focus on how this support can help reduce anxiety and anxiety related symptoms.

Results: Grounding has been shown to provide immediate benefits, such as the regulation of heart and respiratory rates, reduction of muscle tension, and calmer brain wave patterns. Long-term effects include improved mood, enhanced cognitive function, and better sleep quality. Grounding may also decrease markers of inflammation, potentially reversing the telomere shortening associated with anxiety disorders.

Conclusion: Grounding presents a safe, accessible, and cost-effective strategy for alleviating anxiety symptoms and improving overall well-being. Given it is a free healing modality that offers immediate and long-term benefits, and that it is a universally available treatment world wide that removes the obstacles of cost and access to healthcare facilities, grounding should be integrated into comprehensive anxiety treatment plans. Further research is warranted to explore its full potential and mechanisms of action in anxiety as well as other mental health disorders..

Keywords:  Grounding, Earthing, Mental Health, Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders, Autonomic Nervous System, Cortisol, Sleep Quality, Circadian Rhythm, Inflammation, Telomere Shortening, Mood, Cognitive Function, Muscle Tension, Heart Rate Variability, Adjunctive Treatment, Vagal Tone

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How to Cite
KONIVER, Laura. Grounding To Treat Anxiety. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 12, dec. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi:
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