Investigation into the Physiological Effects of Nanometer Light Energized Water Study I

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Caitlin A. Connor, DAOM, PGDip, AMP, EHP-C Melinda H. Connor, DD, PhD, AMP, FAM, EHP-C Jens Eickhoff, PhD Dan T. Horzempa, MD KellyAnne Schmidt, BS


Introduction: This was a discovery study to determine the base physiological effects on individuals consuming water energized by light. The LifeWave Water Device I was used, which energizes water using focused light of specific wavelengths.

Materials: LifeWave Water Device I, distilled water, plastic cups. VarioCAM® HD head 880 / 30 mm near infrared imaging camera and software, laptop and associated cables and stands. Thought Technology BioGraph Infiniti Physiology Suite including HRV analysis modules, leads, pads, and gel. Data Logging multi-meter, AP-Meter (air pressure meter), barometric pressure gage, ambient temperature gage, blood pressure cuff, iHealth non-contact thermometer, pulse-oxygen meter, Omron Body Composition Monitor and Scale (2021). OMAX darkfield/brightfield microscope with video system software, lancets, band aids, cotton balls, alcohol wipes, lens paper, lens wipes, slides, cover-slips. Urine samples for amino acid testing, test tubes, urine cups, -20C freezer, racking. Questionnaires, computers, printer, pens, clipboards and paper. Shipping supplies including Uline triple walled freezer boxes, deluxe liners, medical grade styrofoam freezer containers, dry ice and shipping tape.

Method: A randomized controlled sample of 20 individuals, men and women age 21-81 were recruited, consented and baseline information taken prior to study scheduled date. On scheduled date, participants were on-site for approximately 2 hours. Defined measures were taken and then while attached to HRV system participants drank 8 oz of one of two versions of water treated by the LifeWave Water Device Version I. Base water product used was commercial distilled water lightly chilled prior to device treatment. Water was treated for approximately 45 minutes. Group one had no additives to the water and group two added a magnesium based commercial detoxification product. Duplicate measures were then taken. Questionnaires were given at baseline and post physiological testing. Results: There was significance in participant response from this product across several different areas of interest. These areas included amino acid panel, HRV, bioelectric measures and changes in red blood cell response.

Conclusion: The changes produced by the energized water support further exploration and potential further development of this device.

Keywords: Water, light, energy, amino acid, physiology suite, HRV, near infrared, data-logging multimeter, darkfield microscopy, body composition

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How to Cite
CONNOR, Caitlin A. et al. Investigation into the Physiological Effects of Nanometer Light Energized Water Study I. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 12, dec. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi:
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