Fibromyalgia: Another Aetiological Approach

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Golstein Marc


Fibromyalgia and diffuse pain disorders have been the subject of thousands of specialised publications and more than 56,000,000 references suggested by public search engines.

Nevertheless, the aetiology of diffuse pain syndrome remains poorly understood, though it accounts for nearly 20% of rheumatology consultations. Treatment is not very systematised and the results of treatment procedures remain of limited efficacy in terms of work capacity. The socio-economic consequences for patients with fibromyalgia are on the same level as those seen in patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. It would appear desirable to review the aetiological approach to be able to treat diffuse pain disorders more effectively. The association between violence experienced during childhood and the onset of fibromyalgia has been previously suggested without being considered a necessary and sufficient cause. However, thanks to the development of medical brain imaging techniques and the knowledge of epigenetic mechanisms, it seems that a previous history of sexual abuse and physical violence experienced during childhood could effectively be one of/or the cause of the onset of fibromyalgia.

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How to Cite
MARC, Golstein. Fibromyalgia: Another Aetiological Approach. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 12, dec. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 jan. 2025. doi:
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