Sleep disorders in children with epilepsy receiving valproate therapy

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Riya Shah, MBBS, MD Anju Aggarwal, MBBS, MD, FIAP Manish Narang, MBBS, MD Sangeeta Sharma, MBBS , MD (Pharmacology) Rajeev Malhotra, Scientist (Statistics)


Objective: To assess prevalence of sleep disorders in children with epilepsy who have received at least 6 months of valproate using validated sleep questionnaires.

Study design: Cross-sectional study.

Methods: Developmentally normal children with epilepsy aged 4-12 years who received at least 6 months of valproate monotherapy were evaluated. Of these 30 were evaluated from initiation of therapy to six months. A validated questionnaire, Pediatric sleep questionnaire (PSQ) was used to record information. Sleep Related Breathing Disorder (SRBD) scale was extracted from PSQ (score of >0.33 was significant). Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC) was also used to record information (T-score >70 was significant). These were administered in RS in language which the parent understood.

Results: Fifty two children (30 males, 22 females) with epilepsy were enrolled. Of them 7(13.5%) children had sleep breathing disorders by SRBD. On using SDSC, 17.3% of children had sleep disorders. Out of the 6 subscales, Sleep-wake transition disorders (SWTD) was seen in 32.7%. Disorders of excessive somnolence (DOES) (23.1%), 15.4%had disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep (DIMS). Disorders of arousal (DA) were seen in 11.5%, sleep hyperhidrosis (SHY) in 7.7%, and 5.8% had sleep breathing disorders (SBD). There was no effect of age, sex, seizure type and valproate dose on sleep disorders (P>0.05). Among 30 children followed up from start of therapy to 6 months 5(16.7%) developed sleep breathing disorders using SRBD scale and 4 (13.3%) using SDSC.

Conclusion: Sleep disorders are prevalent in children with epilepsy receiving valproate therapy which need attention and appropriate management.

Keywords: valproate therapy, sleep disorders, Epilepsy

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How to Cite
SHAH, Riya et al. Sleep disorders in children with epilepsy receiving valproate therapy. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 1, jan. 2025. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 feb. 2025. doi:
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