Does growth sparing techniques improve lung function tests in idiopathic Early Onset Scoliosis - A Retrospective Single Centre Analysis

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Sai Gautham Balasubramanian, MS(Ortho), DNB(Ortho), MRCSEd Boresh Dhamija, MS, MCH(NS), FRCSEd (NS) Colin Bruce, FRCS (T&O) Neil Davidson, FRCS (T&O) Jayesh Trivedi, FRCS (T&O) Sudarshan Munigangaiah, MRCSI, MSc (T&Orth)


Introduction:  Growth-sparing surgical strategies are routinely employed in Early Onset Scoliosis to allow for thoracic cavity growth and lung development along with spinal growth. Pulmonary function tests (PFT) are measured pre- and post-operatively to assess improvement of respiratory functions. The general consensus is that growing rods are associated with an improvement in pulmonary function compared to early fusion. We aimed to analyse and compare the pre- and post-op PFTs to assess any statistically significant improvements in the lung functions.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of all surgically managed patients with idiopathic Early Onset Scoliosis with minimum 2 years follow up. Radiological parameters and Pulmonary function tests were observed and compared. The FEV1 and FVC were measured, and the age-predicted values were calculated along with z score change of FEV1 and FVC pre- and post-operatively. The correlation between thoracic height gain and change in PFTs was also calculated.

Results:  Overall, 28 patients had underwent growing rods insertion for EOS in 2016-2018 at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK. 17 idiopathic EOS patients were included in the study, out of which 8 were included. The average T1-T12 height gain was 2.5 cm. Both the mean FEV1 and FVC increased with age(p<0.0001) due to the lung growth. However, the mean age predicted percentage values were decreased for both FEV1(p<0.05) and FVC (p<0.01). The z scores were also reduced/negative for both values (p<0.05). There were moderate negative correlations between FEV1 and FVC z score change with cobbs angle change indicating worsening of lung function tests at a short term follow up.

Conclusion:  This study suggests improvement in FEV1 and FVC with thoracic height gain. There was a negative impact on pulmonary function tests with greater change in cobb angle over a short period of time (2 years) or greater the acute distraction, as indicated by negative correlations between % predicted and z-score values of FEV1, FVC or FEV1/FVC ratios. Longer-term studies are essential to demonstrate the efficacy of treatment related to pulmonary functions in idiopathic Early Onset Scoliosis.

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How to Cite
BALASUBRAMANIAN, Sai Gautham et al. Does growth sparing techniques improve lung function tests in idiopathic Early Onset Scoliosis - A Retrospective Single Centre Analysis. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 12, dec. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi:
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