MEDICAL SIMULATION: The Vision of Learning in Healthcare

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G. Ulufer Sivrikaya M. Gokhan Gonenli


Simulation-based education, is a relatively new approach, for practice and learning to develop healthcare professionals’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes, with different simulation modalities. This educational strategy is used to achieve adequate command in learning on preselected, programmed real-life or near-real-life clinical scenarios, avoiding undesirable features encountered or confronted in learning with real patients and undue stress to real patients within a safe learning environment.

This editorial aimed to give a general overview of simulation in healthcare education. A brief history, the healthcare simulation concept and challanges of this training modality mentioned in the highlights of relevant references.

Simulation based education has emerged as a transformative approach, significantly enhancing healthcare professionals’ learning experience and clinical competency.  The various types of simulations offer a safe and controlled environment for participants to practice and hone technical and non-technical skills, ultimately improving patient safety and clinical outcomes.

The integration of simulation with other training modalities and its adoption in diverse global contexts highlight its potential to revolutionize medical education worldwide.

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How to Cite
SIVRIKAYA, G. Ulufer; GONENLI, M. Gokhan. MEDICAL SIMULATION: The Vision of Learning in Healthcare. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 12, dec. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi:
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