The Biomedical Informatics and the Generalized Biomedical Mechanics: The new explorations of BMKI in these fields

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Hanfei Bao


The paper discussed the promises and challenges in molecular biomedicines (MBMs) and their support discipline Biomedical Informatics (BMI) and investigated the possible underlying discipline the Generalized Biomedical Mechanics (GBMM) in order to seek for more understanding in MBMs. The latter is deemed to be the kingdom of phenomenology. Therefrom, a set of new concepts and principles such as the Structured Language Readable to Human and Machine, the philosophy-science interface, the semantic granule and pattern, the semi-closed or semi-isolated spaces, pan-cycle, the consuming-plus-absorbing law, the boundary principle of a ball-like cycle, the vibration-triggered pan-cycle, etc. were introduced. And also, the automatic semantic analysis and operation, the method of the expression of complex relation by ontology and the experimental project of the integration of the pan-cycle were described.

Keywords: general biology mechanics, ontology, Biomedical Informatics, Biomedicine Knowledge Integration (BMKI), the Structured Language Readable to Human and Machine (SLRHM), Pan-cycle, knowledge engineering, molecular biomedicines, automatic semantic operations and calculations, super-complex systems, non-linearity

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How to Cite
BAO, Hanfei. The Biomedical Informatics and the Generalized Biomedical Mechanics: The new explorations of BMKI in these fields. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 1, jan. 2025. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 feb. 2025. doi:
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