Medical Ultrasound Imaging: Ultrafast Beamforming Algorithms for Real-Time and High-Quality Imaging

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Sreejeesh SG Sakthivel R Jayaraj U. Kidav


Medical ultrasound imaging is a prevalent diagnostic instrument in the field of medicine. Beamforming is a signal processing methodology employed to improve the efficacy of imaging systems, especially in medical ultrasound imaging. Ultrafast (UF) beamforming algorithms (BAs) are designed to improve the speed and efficiency of beamforming operations. Ultrasound imaging algorithms have been devised to enhance the quality and efficiency of ultrasound imaging. This article will provide an overview of the research on UF medical ultrasound algorithms. We will also explore some recent developments in the field of UF beamforming algorithms.

This article discusses the development and implementation of UF-BAs for medical ultrasound imaging. Traditional beamforming techniques are computationally intensive and limit the real-time imaging capability of ultrasound systems. The algorithms discussed in the article leverage modern parallel computing architectures to reduce processing time while maintaining image quality significantly. The article presents a detailed analysis of the algorithm's performance in processing time and image quality using simulated and accurate data. The article discusses how various UF-BAs can provide real-time high-quality images facilitating novel uses in medical ultrasound imaging. The prospective advantages of these algorithms for clinical use and future research trajectories are investigated as well.

Keywords: Ultra-fast Imaging, Ultrafast Beamformer, Parallel beamformer, Real-Time Imaging, Signal Processing, High frame rate, High-Performance Computing, Ultrasound imaging, Parallel Computing, Computational Efficiency, Fast Imaging, Super-resolution imaging

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How to Cite
SG, Sreejeesh; R, Sakthivel; KIDAV, Jayaraj U.. Medical Ultrasound Imaging: Ultrafast Beamforming Algorithms for Real-Time and High-Quality Imaging. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 12, dec. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi:
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