The Role of Prokaryotic (Probiotic) Produced Megamicro RNAs (memiRNAs) to Prevent or Cure Viral and Nosocomial Infections, Certain Cancers, in Conjunction with Probiotic Induced Eukaryotic Micro RNAs (miRNAs)

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Malireddy S. Reddy, BVSc (DVM)., MS., Ph.D


In 2021 US Patent # 11,077,052 B1, entitled “Selected Multiphase Treatment for Coronavirus Respiratory Infections” had been issued. The main theme of the successful, practical and novel patent was the use of multiple mixed strain probiotics along with their immunomodulins to prevent or treat Covid-19 infections during the Global Pandemic. The patented invention was accomplished through use of a selective probiotic based Mouth Wash, Nasal Spurge, Nasal Inhalation, and Oral Administration of a Liposomal Preparation. Extensive clinical trials, as outlined in the patent and published data in the peer reviewed journal of Medical Research Archives of the European Society of Medicine titled “ Mechanism of Thrombosis during Covid-19 infection due to SARS-CoV-2 virus and its variants, and a clinically proven strategy to combat with probiotics and their immunomodulins” further proved and validated the invention with regard to its efficacy as a preventative or curative aid to curb Covid-19 infections (after conducting more clinical trials). Logical explanations and partial scientific proof were presented regarding the biochemical mechanism of the multiple mixed strain probiotics and their immunomodulins on curbing Covid-19 infections.

The current investigation was undertaken to study if there could be any other additional factors such as microRNAs, produced by the probiotics as part of the immunomodulins, that might be responsible for the success of this novel patented preventive or treatment modality. Multiple chronological research experiments conducted during this investigation proved that the probiotic-produced intracellular microRNAs, (mega-microRNAs), produced after they attained stationary growth phase, exhibited inhibition of some of the pathogenic bacteria. For the first time in the history of Bacteriology, it was discovered and proven that the autoinhibition of growth of the probiotic bacteria (during stationary phase) was due to the slow down or temporary stoppage of the translation of mRNA coding for the growth proteins by RNA related compounds, preferably miRNAs. The results also proved that probiotics produced microRNAs (mega-microRNAs or memiRNAs) under the influence of bacteriophage exhibited different inhibitory patterns than the ones produced without bacteriophage influence.

Finally, this investigation revealed that the probiotic produced microRNAs have both inhibitory as well as stimulatory effects on bacterial growth protein translation, depending on the conditions and the circumstances under which they were produced. Since they are larger than eukaryotic microRNAs, we have named them, for the first time, as mega-microRNAs or memiRNAs. Thus, miRNA is of eukaryotic origin, whereas memiRNA is of prokaryotic origin. (For the benefit of the reader, these terms have been interchangeably used). The results also proved the partial reason for the success of the invention outlined in US Pat # 11,077,052 B1 to curb RNA viruses could be due to the combined effect of probiotic-produced mega-micro RNAs (memiRNAs) as part of the immunomodulins in conjunction with microRNAs of the host eukaryotic cells, and also the probiotic bacteria themselves.

Keywords: Eukaryotic microRNA (miRNA), Prokaryotic mega-microRNA (memiRNA), Dr. M.S. Reddy’s Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy, Immunomodulins, COVID-19, Adjuvant Cancer Therapy, Nosocomial Infections, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus helveticus, Bacteriophage, Protease, Amino peptidase, DNase, RNase, SARS-CoV-2, Fecal Microbiota Therapy, C. diff, MRSA, Standard Cancer Therapy, US PAT # 11,077, 052 B1, US PAT # 11,643, 641 B2, US PAT # 6,998, 700

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How to Cite
REDDY, Malireddy S.. The Role of Prokaryotic (Probiotic) Produced Megamicro RNAs (memiRNAs) to Prevent or Cure Viral and Nosocomial Infections, Certain Cancers, in Conjunction with Probiotic Induced Eukaryotic Micro RNAs (miRNAs). Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 12, dec. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi:
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