Microvessels’ Atheroscleroses Study and Evaluation of Some Patients with Coronary Artery Disease at Open Heart Surgery in Armenia
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Ischemic heart disease is a rather insidious condition with a high mortality rate, especially in developing countries, which also affects Armenia. Therefore, the issue of the most effective treatment for this disease is particularly pressing. This will be facilitated by more thorough research on atherosclerosis in arterioles. The ability to visualize and assess pathological vascular growth on a 5-point scale is provided by one of the modern research methods using semi-thin epoxy sections stained with Azure II.
The bioptates of the right atrial auricles of 4 patients with coronary artery disease were taken during coronary artery bypass grafting. The epoxy slices were obtained from material treated by the method of transmission electron microscopy and embedded in epoxy resin, with further staining by Azur II, examined under light optical microscopy.
The obtained images of the morphological picture allowed for the identification of atherosclerotic changes in the arterioles of the myocardium of the right atrial appendage in patients, which exhibited pronounced growth resembling intussusception and were accordingly assessed on a 5-point scale for pathological growth of the microcirculatory bed was rated at 3-4 points for one patient and 3 points for three patients. Provided 1-2 images could help in the analysis of atherosclerotic damages and the identification of the direction of the pathological process in each patient case. This will assist both cardiac surgeons and cardiologists in selecting the appropriate medication therapy during the postoperative and separate periods.
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