Relationship between Parental Behavior, Depression, Anxiety, Body Satisfaction and Eating Disorder in the Period of Adolescence

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Gordana Stankovska Aferdita Ahmeti


Introduction: Adolescence is a period of life in which a person grows and matures. It is a period of turbulent changes and a transition from childhood to adulthood. The changes that occur in a young person on a somatic, mental and psychological level affect the person’s anorexic or bulimic behavior.

Objective: To determine the relationship between the symptoms of eating disorders, anxiety, depression, body satisfaction, and parental behavior.

Material and methods: The study involved 240 respondents between 15 and 18 years of age, first year and third year students in two secondary schools in Skopje. During the study, we used the following measurement instruments: Eating Attitude Test, Perception of Parents Scale, Body Shape Questionnaire, Kutcher Adolescent Depressive Scale, The State – Trait Anxiety Inventory and Body Mass Index.

Results: The obtained results show the existence of interconnection between anxiety, depression, body satisfaction and family factors in relation to eating disorders and body mass index. Simultaneously, we determined that there was a difference in terms of involvement, autonomy support and parental warmth between the low-risk group and the critical group of respondents on the EAT – 26 scale.  Anxiety, depression, maternal warmth and autonomy support from both parents were found to be predictors of the occurrence of eating disorders.

Conclusion: The implementation of adequate preventive programs will enable the young person to develop a healthy attitude towards nutrition, changes in personal appearance, body, and health.

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How to Cite
STANKOVSKA, Gordana; AHMETI, Aferdita. Relationship between Parental Behavior, Depression, Anxiety, Body Satisfaction and Eating Disorder in the Period of Adolescence. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 1, jan. 2025. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 feb. 2025. doi:
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