Bridging Models: Preeclampsia Biomarkers in Salt-Loaded Rats and Human Patients

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Deliana Rojasa Cilia Abad Sandy Piñero Margrego Piña Fulgencio Proverbio Reinaldo Marín


Preeclampsia, a pregnancy-specific syndrome with multisystem involvement, significantly contributes to maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. This study compared physiological, fetal, and placental parameters between preeclamptic women and salt-loaded pregnant rats, an established animal model for preeclampsia. We evaluated lipid peroxidation levels in both placental homogenates and red blood cell ghosts, and Ca-ATPase activity in placental homogenates. Additionally, we assessed the effects of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) treatment on these parameters.

Salt-loaded pregnant rats received 1.8% NaCl solution ad libitum for seven days starting from the 15th day of pregnancy. For analysis, blood and placental samples were obtained from preeclamptic women and the rat model.

Results showed that salt-loaded pregnant rats exhibited similar characteristics to preeclamptic women, including increased lipid peroxidation, and lowered Ca-ATPase activity in placental and red blood cell ghosts. MgSO4 treatment in preeclamptic women and salt-loaded rats modified Ca-ATPase activity and lipid peroxidation levels in red blood cell membranes and placental membranes, bringing values closer to normal values. The reduction in lipid peroxidation by MgSO4 may account for increased Ca-ATPase activity.

This study validates the salt-loaded pregnant rat model as a valuable tool for investigating preeclampsia, offering insights into the condition's pathophysiology and potential therapeutic interventions.

Keywords: Preeclampsia, Lipid peroxidation, Ca-ATPase, Animal Model, Magnesium Sulfate

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How to Cite
ROJASA, Deliana et al. Bridging Models: Preeclampsia Biomarkers in Salt-Loaded Rats and Human Patients. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 1, jan. 2025. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 feb. 2025. doi:
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