Precursors Need to be Considered to Promote Recovery from Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance–Attributed to Electromagnetic Fields
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Exposure to radiofrequency radiation has been increasing for decades and a growing population is suffering from what has been called electrohypersensitivity. The concept of electrohypersensitivity is problematic as it implies that only those who are “hypersensitive” respond to electromagnetic fields, which is not the case. The World Health Organization recommended replacing this term with idiopathic environmental intolerance with attribution to electromagnetic fields. However, without knowing the cause of this illness medical help is reduced to alleviating symptoms and this is seldom adequate for full recovery. The aim of this report is to help people recover from electrohypersensitivity by understanding what precursors may be contributing to their symptoms. In this paper, three terms are differentiated: trigger, causal agent, and precursor–with the understanding that electromagnetic fields trigger symptoms and, while it is often difficult to identify causal agents, precursors may predispose individuals to an increased vulnerability to environmental stressors including electromagnetic pollution. Five precursor categories are identified: physical trauma to central nervous system; exposure to toxic chemicals; biological infections; acute or chronic exposure to either ionizing or non-ionizing radiation; and an impaired immune system. Recovering from electromagnetic pollution requires deactivating the trigger(s) and the precursors suggest ways this may be accomplished. The acronym R2ID3 may help physicians decide which treatments are likely to be most effective for their patients. The letters signify the following: (R1) reduce exposure to pollutants; (R2) rebalance limbic system; (I) enhance immune system; (D1) detoxify body; (D2) test DNA for patient-specific detoxification protocol; and (D3) employ dental procedures to remove infections and metals. Helping patients recover and minimizing exposure to electromagnetic pollution is of utmost importance from a public health perspective.
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