Overview of Use of Nanofat (fully emulsified tSVF + HD Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine Cases
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Paper presents a brief review of cellular and biocellular uses of both cellular Stromal Vascular Faction (cSVF) elements and evolving applications of tissue Stromal Vascular Fraction (tSVF) components combined with important blood derivatives in repair and regeneration. Use of autologous stem/stromal components in human homeostasis and healing has shaped an evolving paradigm shift in many disciplines of Medicine & Surgery. Mass production or patentability of a patient’s own cell and stromal elements is a very unlikely possibility, making the use of these protections by large pharmaceutical companies unavailable. This is a factor in the financial support for research funding from these entities.
The heterogeneous nature & mixture of autologous cells in the stem/stromal elements offer unique uses and efficacies, which are complimented in the actual multipotent cells and their supportive cells proving to be critically important in optimizing their functions in aging, healing and regeneration processes. Appreciation that the paracrine secretive factors play such an integral role in the regenerative milieu, have led to examination of stem/stromal cell signaling via exosomal & microvesicles paracrine communications.
Discussion of terms, who are providing these services, and the realm of applications evolving is discussed. Appreciation of the contribution of “blood–derived biologicals” (in this context, meaning platelet-rich plasma concentrates or bone marrow derivatives) to enhance the repair and regenerative uses of stem/stromal elements in our own bodies. Use of Nanofat and the blood derivatives are proving to be a most safe and efficacious minimally invasive means of dealing with grafting or orthobiologic therapies.
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