A Computational Analysis of the Application of Skewness and Kurtosis to Corrugated and Abraded Surfaces
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We investigate the use of skewness and kurtosis for characterizing the morphology of abraded surfaces consisting of scratches and corrugated surfaces composed of hemispherical grains. Skewness and kurtosis were found to be ineffective at characterizing corrugated surfaces which were best described using the RMS roughness, RMS slope, and surface area ratio. Corrugated surfaces with RMS roughness values differing by a factor of 5 exhibited near constant values of skewness and kurtosis. Abraded surfaces, in contrast, produced nearly constant values of RMS roughness, RMS slope, and surface area ratio while the skewness and kurtosis varied significantly. Hence abraded surfaces were found to be well characterized by the skewness and kurtosis leading to a simple relationship with the number of scratches.
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