Published: 2017-10-01
Research Articles
Self-consistent Many-Body Theory and Nuclear Matter in a Chiral Dirac-Hartree-Fock Approximation
Schun T. Uechi, Hiroshi Uechi
On physical analysis of numerical methods in the 1D Coulomb problem
M. A. Carrillo-Bernal, R. P. Martínez-y-Romero, H. N. Núñez-Yépez, A. L. Salas-Brito, Didier A. Solís
Review Articles
A Computational Analysis of the Application of Skewness and Kurtosis to Corrugated and Abraded Surfaces
T.J.G. Downey, P. Martin, M. Sedlaček, L.Y. Beaulieu