Multi-frequency bioimpedance and myofascial release therapy: An equine “AtlasOrange1” validation study

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Adrian Harrison Vibeke Sødring Elbrønd Marta Julia Krasnodebska


Background:  Measurable sources of muscle tension include viscoelastic tone, physiological contracture, voluntary contraction, and muscle spasm, and if left untreated, they can over a period of time result in clinical pain as a direct result of increased myofascia tension. Typically, physiotherapy is used to stretch affected muscles, thereby reducing motor neuron excitability, and as a consequence give the patient a sensation of correct posture and movement, thereby facilitating normal movement patterns. However, cases of documented therapy effectiveness are rare.

Methods:  A total of 6 horses with myofascial tension/imbalance issues were selected for this trial. The horses were assessed manually by a qualified Veterinarian and note was taken of regions with high resting myofascial tension as well as movement restrictions. The horses were then measured using a multi-frequency BioImpedance Analysis unit (SFB7) by a technician blinded to the manual assessment. AtlasOrange1, a new form of mechanical physiotherapy massage was used to treat all 6 horses. Treatment was applied directly to two anatomically identifiable myo-fascial regions for a total period of two minutes. Subsequently, the effects of treatment were followed using multi-frequency bioimpedance at an interval of 1, 24 and 48 hours.

Results: Regions of increased myofascial tonus/stiffness were detected manually and noted for all 6 horses. The bioimpedance data was analyzed for centre frequency (fc) and extracellular resistance (Re) and delta values between the right- and left-hand sides of each horse were calculated. Treatment induced a 39% decrease for Re (NS) and a 58% decrease for fc (P=0.003) over 48 hours post-treatment. The mfBIA values were subsequently compared with the findings of the manual evaluation revealing a 94.4% overall agreement.  

Conclusion: We suggest that a high level of resting myofascial tension/stiffness is measureable using mf-BIA, and that it can be relieved with massage forms of treatment like AtlasOrange1.

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How to Cite
HARRISON, Adrian; ELBRØND, Vibeke Sødring; KRASNODEBSKA, Marta Julia. Multi-frequency bioimpedance and myofascial release therapy: An equine “AtlasOrange1” validation study. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], n. 3, may 2015. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 sep. 2024.
myofascia, muscle tension, mf-BIA, mechanical physiotherapy


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