Ameloblastic fibroma to complex composite odontome – a continuum? – a review

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Sivapathasundharam B. Logeswari Jayamani


Odontogenic tumours comprise of both hamar­tomas and true neoplasm and are of great interest to oral pathologists, oral physicians and oral surgeons. The classification of odontogenic tumours underwent many modifications from its inception. Mixed odontogenic tumours are composed of neoplastic odontogenic epithelial as well as ectomesenchymal components. The lesions under this group are ameloblastic fibroma (AF), ameloblastic fibro dentinoma (AFD), ame-loblas­tic fibro odontoma (AFO), odontoma, odon-toameloblastoma, calcifying cystic odontogenic tumour (calcifying odontogenic cyst or COC) and dentinogenic ghost cell tumour.

Ameloblastic fibromas are rare tumours and occur most commonly in first and second decade of life and may be associated with an impacted tooth.

There are two school of thoughts regarding the nature of ameloblastic fibroma. According to the first view, ameloblastic fibroma is a hamartoma and matures to become complex composite odontoma and according to the latter, it is a neoplasm. In this article, these views and their place in WHO classification of odontogenic tumours, are discussed.

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How to Cite
B., Sivapathasundharam; JAYAMANI, Logeswari. Ameloblastic fibroma to complex composite odontome – a continuum? – a review. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 7, july 2017. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024.
Odontogenic tumours, Odontogenic apparatus, Ameloblastic fibroma, Ameloblastic fibro odontoma, Ameloblastic fibro dentinoma, Odontoma, India, WHO classification of odontogenic tumours
Review Articles


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