Intervention Targeting Reading and Working Memory among Struggling Readers in Primary School

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Linda Fälth Irma Brkovic


Working memory is one of our core cognitive functions. It allows us to keep information in mind for shorter periods of time, allowing us to process and work with that specific information. In this randomized control trial, the effects of a training program that combine reading training and working memory training among struggling readers aged 8-9 were investigated. 30 pupils were included in the intervention group and 17 were assigned to the control group. The intervention group received a total of 60 training sessions divided into two eight-week training periods with a four-week pause in between. The results show that children in the intervention group improved significantly better than children in the control group on eight tests:  Reading comprehension, Word decoding, Nonsense-word reading, Short-term memory, Working memory, Visuospatial short-term memory, Visuospatial working memory and Working memory for words. The effect was not confirmed for Sight word seeing.

Keywords: Reading, reading difficulties, working memory, intervention, RCT

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How to Cite
FÄLTH, Linda; BRKOVIC, Irma. Intervention Targeting Reading and Working Memory among Struggling Readers in Primary School. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 11, nov. 2021. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi:
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