Atherosclerosis in Animals is a Separate Type of Atherosclerosis that has Nothing to do with the Two Types of Atherosclerosis in Humans

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Sergey Rusanov


The article is presented in the form of a review and analysis of the literature, which additionally helps to reveal the mechanisms of the pathogenesis of the development of atherosclerosis in humans. A contemporary vision is refuted that animal models of atherosclerosis are completely similar to the two types of human atherosclerotic lesions. The use of incorrect information about the etiology and pathogenesis of atherosclerotic lesions in humans reduces and even completely interferes with the possibility to carry out effective treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases associated with atherosclerosis. The two types of human atherosclerotic plaques have very different characteristics compared to atherosclerotic plaques in animals. They have a completely different etiology, pathogenesis, have a completely different appearance and location relative to the artery wall, have a different structure of the fibrous cap, a different pathway of LDL and macrophages, a different location of lipid core, a different way and time of arterial occlusion, a different type of endothelial dysfunction, they interact in totally different way with the walls of the artery and still have many additional differences that make both human atherosclerotic lesions completely different from atherosclerotic lesion in animals. Types IV atherosclerotic lesions consist of one lipid core with molten extracellular lipid. Type V atherosclerotic lesions type is a long, concentric, soft, strong, elastic, yellow, uniform structure. Due to the large number of inconsistencies between atherosclerotic lesions in animals and the two types of atherosclerotic lesions in humans, it is neither possible nor reasonable to use animal models to study the development of atherosclerotic lesions in humans. The plaques appear in the lumen of the artery in just a few days, in places of a sharp narrowing of the artery caused by hyperstimulation of the nervous system. The plaques consist of LDL, which were glued together with fibrin filaments. It also doesn't allow to detect a very simple mechanism accountable for the pathological increase in LDL levels in people who do not have genetic abnormalities. This mechanism proposed by the author is described in the first article dedicated to the type V atherosclerotic lesions (“Cylindrical cholesterol plaque”).

Keywords: Atherosclerosis, LDL, Atherosclerotic plaque, Heart attack, Stroke, Artery dissection, Stress, Atherosclerosis in animals, Atherosclerosis in humans

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How to Cite
RUSANOV, Sergey. Atherosclerosis in Animals is a Separate Type of Atherosclerosis that has Nothing to do with the Two Types of Atherosclerosis in Humans. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 4, apr. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 08 feb. 2025. doi:
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