Rouvière’s Sulcus in a Jamaican Population

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Michael T Gardner Keerti Singh Ramnand Shetty Zenica K Dabichan Peter Ho Jean-Pierre Louboutin Shamir O Cawich


Considering the fact that several anatomic variants of the liver have been described in the Jamaican population, we sought to document the prevalence and characteristics of Rouvière’s sulcus in this population. This paper has two parts. First, 60 cadaveric dissections were observed to document the prevalence of Rouvière’s sulcus as 81.7%. In the second part of this paper, a systematic review identified 811 cadaveric dissections across 9 studies and recorded the global prevalence of Rouvière’s sulcus as 77%. The prevalence of Rouvière’s sulcus in the Jamaican population closely matched that across the globe in this systematic review.

Keywords: Caribbean, Rouvière, sulcus, liver, groove

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GARDNER, Michael T et al. Rouvière’s Sulcus in a Jamaican Population. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 8, aug. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 dec. 2024. doi:
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