Intolerance of uncertainty in pediatric patients: A transdiagnostic pathway to multiple disorders

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Robert D Friedberg Callie Goodman Ellison Choate Hannah Zelcer Eunice Mendez Yasaman Movahedi Sandra Trafalis Isabella Xie Megan Neelly Joee Zucker


The search for transdiagnostic pathways and processes to emotional disorders in youth is an emerging and compelling field. In this mini-review, intolerance of uncertainty is posed as a transdiagnostic pathway. The theoretical foundation of intolerance of uncertainty is discussed. Subtypes of intolerance of uncertainty are explained, a behavioral typology is reviewed, neuropsychological correlates are briefly discussed, and age differences are addressed. The role of the Coronavirus-19 pandemic as a critical incident is examined. Subsequently, the research supporting the association between intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety, obsessive-compulsive,, depression, autism, as well as eating disorders is reviewed. The findings are then integrated into a parsimonious theoretical synthesis. Limitations of the research are delineated and clinical implications are presented


Key Words: Intolerance of uncertainty, transdiagnostic, anxiety, depression, autism, eating disorders

Keywords: Intolerance of uncertainty, transdiagnostic, anxiety, depression, autism, eating disorders

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How to Cite
FRIEDBERG, Robert D et al. Intolerance of uncertainty in pediatric patients: A transdiagnostic pathway to multiple disorders. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 11, nov. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi:
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